Moved from the web site and updated.
Jump the next 3 paragraphs if you are a technophobe or just
bored with the detail :)
The detail:
Watch Sizes are specified by the diameter of the movement
where it fits in the case, there are now two common measures, “Lancashire” for
English and American watches and “Ligne” for Swiss.
An unrestored S12 fusee movement
with its carrier and oversized dial. |
Lancashire starts at size 0
which is 1 5/30inch increasing by 1/30 inch per size. So the popular men’s size
16 is 1.7 inch and size 18 1.77inch but it is quite possible for a watch case
to make a smaller movement look several sizes bigger although the dial remains
the same size.
It was also common practice to mount 19th century English
movements onto the back of a carrier two sizes bigger, the carrier attached to
the larger size case and had the larger size dial on the other side so that it
was indistinguishable from the larger size watch without opening it up.
Where quoted I normally use the nearest equivalent
“Lancashire” size for Swiss watches.
As a rough guide the following table shows the approximate
diameter of the watch for "normally" cased American and Swiss movements,
some may be rather larger but a few can be smaller.
S14 4.9 – 5.0 cm
S16 5.0 – 5.2 cm
S18 5.4 cm+
English pin set watches will typically be a little larger as
will full plate watches (because they are thicker).
Movements of size 12 and below and size 18 and above can
vary significantly in size when cased up, so on the web site I normally give
the dimensions for each watch as part of the description.
Here are some general guidelines on what each size of watch
is best suited for, clearly there is room for variation here particularly for
ladies if they are wearing a waistcoat or carry the watch in a handbag. And
although a Fob watch is normally defined as one below about size 8 it is really
only limited by the size of the fob pocket!
A Ladies size 6 Waltham, heavily patterned cases are
frequently used on these smaller watches. |
Size 0
Ladies watches only, suitable for wearing on a neck chain as
a pendant (but be careful not to swing it around too much and bash it on
something) or as a brooch with a suitable attachment.
Size 6
Ladies, as size 0 or as a fob watch. Men, as a fob watch.
A size 12 Rotherham although tightly cased
for a pin set watch it is still 1.9" / 4.7cm
in diameter, about the same an American size 14 |
Sizes 12
Getting rather large to be a Fob watch but some American
size 12s will be OK used as above. Many old size 12 movements are put into size
14 cases with the use of a carrier as described above.
English pin set size 12s make a good sized mans watch.
Size 14 & 16
A size 16 hunter in a New Old Stock Dennison
case. A Hunter will always be a little bigger
than an open faced watch due to the space
taken by the bezel and lid. |
A common size in the nineteenth century in all forms, this
became the “standard” man’s size for keyless watches in the twentieth century,
these are generally quite slim so do not distort pockets as much as earlier key
set watches.
This was the smallest size that could be certified as a
“Railway” watch in the USA (beware of this term! Originally it defined an
accurate and reliable timepiece suitable for controlling railroad traffic in
the US, later it was picked up as a marketing ploy and appears on some really
awful Swiss watches – you have been warned!).
A tightly cased Waltham 1892 railroad watch. |
Size 18
Originally the watch to go for to show status and now very
popular with collectors, particular of North American watches and it is
frequently said the bigger the better. Some very fine watches were made in the
Size 20 & 22
As for Size 18 but really showing off, not that common and
most in UK are key set from the front and made in the 1890’s and very early in
the new century.
Size 24+
Are really too big to carry around but frequently would have
had a special stand to convert them into something you could use as a
travelling clock.